I-nature is an award winning web company. We specialize in best-in-class website design and development, flash multimedia, corporate identity, and print graphics. I-nature features an integrated team of experienced programmers, creative designers and web consultants that know how to get the best online results.

Проект и главна цел: Преодоляване недостига на средства и липсата на ликвидност, настъпили в резултат от епидемичния взрив от COVID-19
Номер на АДПБФП BG16RFOP002-2.073-9975
Бенефициент И - НЕЙЧЪР ООД
Обща стойност: 8700.00 лв., от които 7395.00 лв.
европейско и 1305.00 лв. национално съфинансиране.
Начало: 21.08.2020г.
Край: 21.11.2020 г.
BHAir Company Website http://www.bhairlines.com/
Redesign and new functionality of existing website. Ticketing and additional services reservation systems with online payments.
Online flights schedules. Destination and on-board catalogues.
Launch date: December 1st, 2013
ФотоАрхив.bg archives.bg/photoarchives
Interactive photo collection with 40,000 digital images from Bulgarian Archives State Agency.
Advanced photos search with keywords, categories and chronology.
Online orders of high PPI resolution images.
Launch date: January 20th, 2014
Aircraft Management and Planning System airxonline.net
AirX is a web-based system which allows the air operator to plan and operate the technical maintenance of the whole aircrafts park.
Launch date: March 23th, 2007